Buying Land
Every log home — particularly those in rural areas — begins with the perfect piece of property it sits on. Learn how to find and buy your own slice of paradise with our expert information and tips for purchasing land.

Unspoiled, undeveloped land is prime log and timber real estate, but there are a few unfamiliar factors to consider as you prepare it for construction.
We break down the vital role this process plays in your future home.
Designing for a sloped lot has its ups and downs, but with creativity and proper planning, you can call a mountainside site home.
Build your log or timber home in one of our favorite spots and plan for nothing but smooth sailing ahead.
A log-and-timber industry insider shares his observations (and advice) about the growing urge to leave big cities behind in pur...
Log homes are designed to take the worst Mother Nature can throw at them — and do it with beauty and grace.
When you own a piece of property, are you the only one who has the right to access it? We take a look at the world of property ...
You’ll spend your time enjoying the views from your waterfront log home — not worrying about maintenance — when you follow thes...
Save your “blank slates” for art and interior design projects. When it comes to landscaping a waterfront log home, starting fro...
Choosing a remote building site has its host of rewards, but it also poses some challenges. If getting away from it all is what...
Are you looking for a Rocky Mountain high or a little house on the prairie? Steep pitches and flatlands are the two ends of the...
The next time you find yourself in Colorado, make sure to visit these 5 log home attractions.
Looking for the perfect plot for your log home? These 5 tips will help make buying land easier than ever.
When you find the perfect land for your log home, know how much to pay.
How to evaluate your land’s potential for building a log home.
Take our quiz to figure out what region to build your dream log home.
There are reasons why the land might be cheap. Build your dream log home smart with more tips